Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm sick and tired of it!

Really I am. I am getting sick and tired of Austrian people telling me that I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to training. What I fail to understand is how some of these people take the time to criticise or analyse my training methods without looking at their own training first, or that people who have never been a top athlete or trainer, have never even started a trainer education themselves can speak out against my training.

I was very fortunate in that I was able to grow up in a country like South Africa. There are many differences to Austria, but one of those is that in SA you HAVE to do sport at school, and this from the early age of around 8 years. I was never a ball man (i.e Cricket, Soccer or Rugby were not my strong points - I was too small) and so I took to other sports where my smallness wasn't a problem. At that time it was Cross Country running and I have stuck with it my whole life - it has become a way of life for me and one that I have been following for 26 years.

When I was 11 I won my first school championships and although I have only ever won 2 running races in my entire life (thanks Dion :)) I have trained regularly since I was about 11 years old. Then I hit the jackpot. After school I went to University, where I joined the UCT running club. At this time, and throughout my entire Uni life, I had the pleasure of a coach called Chris Sole.

Chris is without a doubt, and will remain until the day I die, my absolute idol. He was possibly one of the best coaches in South Africa and had a personality that made him one of the most successful athletics coaches the length and breadth of South Africa. Chris himself was the only person ever to run 26 consecutive South African X-C Championships. Chris's love was for the forest and hill running and he instilled in me a deep respect for the simple things in life and hard training. I cannot remember how many times I ran with him through Newlands forest with my other running buddies and we discussed training.

Chris did 2 things as a coach that I feel made him exceptional. One was that he was always able to explain to me why he was doing what training, so that I learned to understand what we were doing, when and why, and second was that he ran with us, trained with us, knew our strengths inside and out and trained us accordingly. If I had a problem Chris always knew where to start with the diagnostic. I never questioned him. If he said run, I did, if he said stop, I did. I did not pretend that I knew more than him (nor will I ever), and I never argued with him (I was only in my early twenties and he was in his mid thirties) about training. I just listened and learned.

In Austria it all works different. In order to be recognised as a trainer, you have to qualify and pass a trainers exam. What a load of crap. Here in Austria, every second person thinks they can be a trainer just because they have done the education, doesn't matter what their actual experience is or their age. The other side of the coin is that if you don't have this qualification, well then obviously you cannot know anything about training can you? Well I've heard it from various people and I see it all the time, that is just not the way it works. Most of the trainers here are quite useless, especially the trained ones, and the more successful ones are often those that come through the sporting lines and are not qualified - go figure! This is the opinion of a large part of the coaches who train athletes here in my own Salzburg area.

I have even thought about getting this qualification myself once or twice, but you know what, I don't think I'll bother. It occurs time and time again, where I see that my training is not only more effective, but also based on sound principles that help the runner improve and learn at the same time. I model my training on Chris Sole - that's good enough for me,

and apparently for the Junior European Champion as well!

I have read books, spoken to top athletes and trained with some of the best runners the world has to offer (I have trained with Paul Tergat once). I believe I can provide a certain amount of experience when it comes to training. Last night one of my running buddies again told me I was talking crap, contradicting myself and not making sense. He claimed he has read all the same books as me and come to completely different conclusions, that he has spoken to top Austrian athletes and heard other stories, that he reads lots of web sites from the top athletes and knows how and what they train, so I did him a favour and went through those books and web sites, just to ensure that I wasn't talking crap - and what did I find out? Well you guess!

Please do not misunderstand me. I know that there are a lot of people out there who have different ideas about training, and that these ideas also bring success. I do not pretend to know every thing about training, and I am constantly learning. However, in my 26 years of running, I believe I have tried just about every form of training that there is and I still try new forms all the time - I take what I finds works best (through experience) and use this. The basic principle works for me, as well as for a top runner, as well as for a social jogger.

I am sick and tired of constant excuses and moaning. I continually hear about illness, iron problems, stomach problems, injuries, lack of talent, tiredness and demotivation. Cruches, all of it! I have one piece of advice to all you doubting Thomases out there. The time has come! I have proved I know what I'm doing, now it's your turn. It's your turn to shut your mouths and to prove to everybody that you actually do know what you are talking about. It's time for deeds not discussions. It's time for all you qualified trainers out there to prove me wrong. It's time for you athletes out there who believe your training is better to prove it. IT HAS BEEN LONG ENOUGH NOW!

Stop talking about it and show me!


naomi said...

jau rich!
nice to see it works in your head. just a few things:
1.) u told in your nice post you "controlled" what i told you. how can you? i never told you on which websites i was? so i wonder which you visited...!
2.) you also wrote that your running buddy (thats me) told you something about austrian top runners - yesterday i just mentioned just one. not all of them as you want tell.
3.) i always told you that your training is very good. i did it also yesterday. maybe you should just listen.
4.) more or less the same then 1st thing. i didn't tell you i read a lot of books and that there is my "knowledge" from. so in which books have you controlled my sayings?
5.) last thing is that you absolutly dont know what i know about training. you dont know what books i have read, you dont know the hps i visited u just know nothing about that but you tell me all of that is crap?

i will stop it now because it makes no sense talking to you about this. like it was also yesterday. i couldn't finish one sentence - maybe that was the basis of some misunderstanding!? think about it dude.

why i'm writing this? because i'm really pissed rich... you should reconsider HOW you ar talking to me. i'm not your dog man. i think i'm a really tolerant guy but yesterday was just too much.
just running away from me screaming like an maniac trough henndorf what idiot i am and shouting out that everything i know and have learned is bullshit isn't ok.

so i want an excuse. i'm waiting...

Unknown said...


I specifically didn't mention your name, as this post wasn't about you, but rather about my frustrations at the way the system works here and the way people behave towards other people who may not have the same background as them or origins, and my frustration as I see youngsters (like yourself) squander away a talent that many people would beg to have.

I would like to take you to task about some of your comments above. In particular as it seems you have a great memory for what I said, but a little less for what you said. We spoke about winter training and doing intervals, hills and tempo runs. I mentioned books from top athlete's like Haile, and you lead me to believe that you have also read these types of books. I mentioned South Africa,USA and England and you said they weren't important. I mentioned the O-sport magazine, which you said you had also read. I said I read top athletes web sites like Simone and some from Norway. You said you read those from people like Terry G and indicated that you also checked other sites. I know that you like to follow Pongo's site, and you have mentioned that you spoke to Thomas. Obviously you speak to Felix all the time and you have told me in the past that you are in close contact with Pongo as well. You spoke about talking /web site of a swiss boy (sorry can't remember who?) - so you clearly indicated to me that you had done your research. No I don't know exactly which sites, books, people you talk to or check with. But yes I do know more or less where you were getting your information from. Your comment was that no top athlete does any sort of hard training in Winter, they just run distance or JOG like a top Austrian.

So I went back to my imformation points and controlled the training plans I could find. The following athletes (who you may or may not find good) had intervals (fartlek) and / or Hill training (hard hill run) and / or Tempo run in their training plan during winter : Mats Haldin, Bjornar Valstadt, Gunilla Svärd, Emma Engstrand, Sara Gemperle, Simone Luder, Jamie S, Emil W, Mikhail M, Felix B (to mention just a few, there were many more).

As to whether or not you find my training good, is personally to me unimportant - I am just trying to give you some tips as to making your training more effective and efficient. However, when you tell me I'm talking a "blödsinn" (eng = rubbish) and that I need to try another way to train, that my winter training makes no sense - this indicates to me actually the complete oppersite, i.e. that you think my training is not good and that I do not know what I'm talking about. These were your comments, weren't they? I've left a few out but thats the gist!

Wolf, I don't consider you a dog, but rather more like my little brother (I have these sorts of arguements with him all the time - you can check :) ) who I hope I can give some of my experience. As to being tolerant, have you put that shoe on the other foot, have you looked at it from my point of view? You need to think about that! Tolerence is a 2 way street.

To clarify as I ran away I said "ich weiss was ich tue, ich habe es beweissen, du aber nicht!" What I meant to say was "I know what I am doing, I have proved it - you haven't". At no time did I mention idiot or any other bad name, if what I said came across incorrect (bad german) or whatever, when then I apologise. It wasn't meant to.

OK, and now to the last point I want to make, and this point is directly aimed at you Wolf. By your own admission you have been training really well for over a year (and I also know that you did quite a bit of training before that). I know that you are studing Sport Science and I know that you have one of Austria's very best Elite (if not the absolute best) runners as your personal coach. I know this! I also know that this year there have been no results worth mentioning from the training that you have been doing, for whatever reason and that you go from race to race with a frustrated and haunted look in your face which makes my heart tear every time I see it. It has become apparent to those standing about that you are doing something wrong. You train harder than any elite athlete I know here in Austria, and yet your O results do not show this, nor do your normal race results. You have yet to run a really good 10 km or half marathon, which your other colleagues in the Elite are doing regularly.

This is my point Wolf, you can carry on doing what you obviously think is right and correct, but up until now it hasn't bought you any success, or you can think about changing some things that might help you. The choice, as always my friend, is your own. You can be so much more - this I also know - if only you were prepared to grab your chance.

I do hope that you understand that I am trying to be honest and open about your situation, I am NOT trying to insult you or treat you like a dog!

I will always be your buddy and running companion.

Anonymous said...

WOW I like it a little bit of frustration never killed anyone.

Rich I know exactly what you mean I often see people with far more talent than me never getting any where close to the times I’ve run… That said I’m an addict and have to run and train hard!!! I can’t just plod. As I told you last week I was running the Voet this weekend. (race went well came 3rd in 2h44:51 another R400.00 in my kitty) The race was very hard and I killed myself on the downs (had to take the lift at the office today), but I want to keep training. It’s easy been the coach and telling athletes to take time off, but for me to take time off is difficult. I normally find athletes of mine are the other way round. All they want to do is take time off and just go for an easy run. Lucky for me I haven’t got any races planned for the rest of the year so I can start a slow build for next year and who knows what…?

I’m not going to say any more before I say too much, but one day I’ll came over and maybe we can take your athletes for a run!!!!

Friend forever