Monday, March 12, 2007

Cross / Orienteering combined

Anyway, after way ums and ahs over the last months, they finally (they being the SLV trainer) convinced me to organise a training cross country here in Henndorf. I agreed and then was hoping that I would be able to combine the SC with the cross country. However, the guys organising the SC said they wouldn't do it, so in the end I agreed to organise this as well.

My organising team did a wonderful job in the end, the cross country course was fantastic and the orienteering was just right for the start in the new season. The XC course was set on a large field, with some small uphills and downhills, lots of direction changes, a bit of forest and of course lots of fast flat on the fields. Although not a lot of people turned up (we were 11 in the senior cat) all that run really seemed to enjoy it.

I had a really OK run, considering that I was extremely busy and tired the entire week before that. I started out at about 8:30 a lap, and was able to more or less keep that constant, with my last lap (out of 4) being the fastest lap. I was happy.

The orienteering also went off without hitches. I started everybody (Christine just ahead of me) and when the last person had run, I ran myself. Christian had set the course and put out the controls so I was free to do this. It was really nice and simple and I was able to run at a good speed without any mistakes (except 10 - 11 where I decided to miss the climb - but this was incorrect). I was surprized that after 8 km and major XC that I was still able to go so well during the OL. Won my class, but was 4th in total behind Felix, Norbert and Robert. (Winning my class is not so hard :) )

And that was the last weekend. Unfortunately since then I have been ill, and was not able to train the later half of last week, but I will head out for a little jog this afternoon to see how my body has recovered!

I wish you all well!

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