Additionally I hit the all time longest (on my feet) run for time and height that I have ever done - even my 5 or 6 marathons were never that long, and the height - well - the height (or climb) was just stupid. Christian and I decided to run with the Youth National team on their Sunday morning long run, and then run back to home from where they were - only problem was that they were first running up the Gaisberg, and then to get home we had to run another 20 km.
I have never run up the Gaisberg in total so I thought this would be a great run - and it was! I suffered for the entire following week. We started at 9:30 at the foot of the Gaisberg, and ran up (6,5 km 850 hm) in about 50 minutes. We then had a short tea / biscuit break and started on the way down, but we couldn't find the path, so we decided to just to ... well ... run down the side of the mountain. At gradients of up to 60 degrees, this proved much harder than expected, and both Christian and I hit the level (1,2 km / -600m) about 35 minutes later (that's around 30 minutes a KM).
After this we crossed the valley - took a second stop for refreshments - and started up the Dachsteinblick. Once on the top (another 350 m climb) we followed the ridge track to the hotel "Dachsteinblick" (another stop), took a bearing on Leo and Gitte's house, and ran directly over the fields to them. Man, I have rarely been so buggered - very few Dion / Richard runs got me to this destroyed, but there have been one or two (Swellendam Trail comes to mind).
So all in all, 3hrs 30 minutes on my feet, 28,5 km distance and a massive 1250 m climb! Not bad for a Sunday.
As I said the legs suffered immensely on the following days, due of course to the murderous downhill! I hope that I have learnt a lesson from this - next time use the road - 5 km longer, but easier on the legs, which currently feel like steel.
It was a really great run!
Wow Richi!
It seems that you became a little bit crazy! 3 hours and somewhat running - RESPECT! If I try to think back my longest run was some 2h 40min...
See you
Naja Andi,
get those running shoes on then :)
And do some more training....
will be heading out on my longest run in some time tis weekend, hoping to be out for 3hrs...
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